
22th Mar. 2016 海外で会うトラブルとは? How to trouble shooting in English.

How to trouble shooting in English.

As per Yattun’s blog, he got some trouble because of different custom between Japan and oversea. For example deposit by credit card upon check in at Europe.
先日やっつんのブログによるとヨーロッパで、日本との習慣の違いで予想外の苦労をしたようです。(やっつんは、Mar. 2016のスキーのワールドカップカナダ大会に出場した、会津ゆかりの選手で、このレッスンにも参加してくれました。)

Today, we will discuss about our experience.

For Credit card ? You have to fill in your signature on the back side of credit card.
And have to remember your PIN coed.
In airport sign of ‘Baggage claim’

As per Nobu chan’s experience,
She had been loosed baggage by air plane. According to Airline, her baggage went to a ship.
Airline guarantees all the cost of clothes etc until it will be back to her hand. However she has to pay first for
the cost and could be claim with recite.
It was so uncomfortable….


Sam-san’s experience,
25th April 1915 in Australia, it was ceremony day for First World War. They call Anzac day. Lamented the death in
battle… that day some area attacked Japanese by throw eggs.


At bus station in America, so many pictures for missing, because kidnap. 

Do not bring alarm clock in your suite case. I put it with power, therefore security doubt me that it was bomb and ask him to open the luggage.
He has another story about alarm clock, he sends his suits case by courier to airport in advance, but he forgot to turn off the timer. The timer rings out on time without Sam. So counter staff nothing to do until time has gone.


Clock wise(時計周り) ? Counter clock wise (反時計回り)
Pick pocket ..... スリ
Pick luggage ... 置き引き Luggage thief - 置き引き犯人


See you next time !


14th Mar. 2016 お願い!~してくれませんか(してください)の言い方 "Do me a favor, would you please ~?"

今日のレッスンは、「お願いがあるの、~してくれませんか? (ください )」の言い方と答え方です。
Today's losson is How to say “ Do me a favor, would you please~. (Do me a favor to ~)”
and How to answer ? 
New comer Ms. Nobuko Igarashi ? let’s call her “Nobu-chan”
She is friend of Yuki who is second time with this class and coming from Yugawa villege.

Hiro-san is second time to join with this class,too. He is a janitor(用務員さん) of
Wakamatsu first junior high school. (City Hall staff) 
introduce about some members
Our teacher MaCCi, She has more than two faces, one is Jazz singer. She
plays performance Tokyo every end of month, and one is English guide at Turugajo
castle, one is to teach English.


Sam is working at Nekoma Ski Resort, at the moment condition of snow is not so good,
It's like corn snow(="ざらめ雪") ? = = “ZAKE YUKI(=ざけ雪)” in Aizu valve(=方言).

+++ Temprature is going up↑ / going down↓,
+++        getting high↑  / getting low ↓

 Let’s start todays lesson. The thema is “Do me a favor = お願いがあるの!” ?
This was homework at last week. Did you make three sentences to use “do me a favor”
+++ 友達や親しい人に何かお願いするときに言う言葉です。
+++ 先週出した宿題です、do me a favor を使った文を3個作ってきましたか。
1) Would you do me a favor? please look after my dog while I’m traveling.
....* look after = take care of =めんどうをみる、世話をする
....お願いがあるのですが? 僕が旅行に行っている間、犬の世話をしてください。
2) Could you do me a favor?  Please I (do) want to ( = wanna ウォナと発音) change the
job(shift) tomorrow.
....お願いがあるのですが? 明日、仕事を(シフトを)替わってくれませんか?

3) MaCCi, Would you do me a favor, please give me half million yen.
 A) Oh, kidding !!...ふざけてるの?  / pA) Serious. …本気です
Hiro: 'pA)'= answer of positive mind  / 'nA)'=answer of negative mind
1) Do me a favor, could you drive me home?
pA) Yes = No problem  /  Sure.  //  nA) No.

2) Do me a favor?  Could you make a sandwich for me?
pA) OK, when I have a time, I can make a sandwich for you. = not now

3) Do me favor , can I borrow your mobile phone(cell- phone(=アメリカだけ)) ?
pA) PLS(=please), you can use mine. // Here you are.
…どうぞお使いください。 // はい、どうぞ。

1) Do me a favor, could you drive some good place with me this weekend?
nA) Sorry I will be on duty. ( = working) duty = 義務 on duty

2) Do me a favor, could you post this letter for me within today?
nA) Sorry I’m in hurry. = ごめんなさい、急いでます

3) Do me a favor, could you cook pancake tomorrow morning? 
pA) Of caurse I can(will) make it for you. …もちろん、あなたのために焼きますよ。
nA) Sorry I will be on duty tomorrow. ….ごめんなさい明日はやらなきゃならないことが

1) Sam?, Can you do me a favor to carry my bag? Because it is very heavy for me.
.....サム、私の荷物を運んでくれる? (お願い) この荷物は私にはとても重いです。
p) Of course!  //  n) I’m sorry, I have a frozen shoulder (=四十肩).

2) MaCCi?  May I ask you a favor to introduce a good movie to learn English?
pA) I recommended watching a movie “Super Man”.(スーパーマンをおすすめするわ。)
nA) I cannot make up my mind now. (ごめんね、今決められない)

1) Do me a favor, could you share some dishes for me, it’s looks delicious.
pA) Sure, please share my plates.  //  nA) Sorry, I’m hungry.

2) Do me a favor, could you tell me the way to station, because I’m loss my way.
pA) Yes, please follow me.  //  nA)  Sorry I’m stranger.
.....どうぞ、私について来てください。// ごめんなさい、ここは不慣れなんです。(訪問者)
Please do not hesitate to ask somebody’s favor.


ということで・・・See you next lesson, see you around !!
** 来週は、3月22日火曜日です!
** The next lesson will be on 22nd Tuesday because next Monday is national holiday in Japan.


7th Mar. 2016 あなたの今年の目標覚えていますか? ...Do you remember your target and goal of this year ?

* 今日は新しい参加者を迎えました。Hiroこと、伊藤博三(いとうひろみ)さんです。
 We had a new comer "Hiro (Ito Hiromi)". Nice to see you!
To recomfirm my target.  (わたしの目標を再確認しよう)
Keep your goal in your memory. (あなたのゴールを覚えておいてね)
* MaCCi-san...新曲を4曲作ること。
A...My target is making 4 original songs.
* Sam-san... 2ヵ国を訪問する予定が、1ヵ国になった。
A..My target is visiting Spain and Australia.
...I postponed visiting Spain.
...スペインは来年に延期(= postpone)しました。
Q...For next year ?
A...Next year.
Q...You gave up one country. So you visit one foreign country within this year.
(within this year 年内に)
* Shizu-chan...
A...My target is visiting Hokkaido 2 nights 3 days.
Q...By Shinkansen ?
A...But Shinkansen is very expensive.
Q...I see.
And another target is
making powerful body by piratice(ピラティス)
I would like to gain(獲得する) my mastle-mass 38kg.
Everyone...OMG !! (We were surprized to hear her weight is 45kg)
* Hiro( today's new comer)...1ヶ月に3回はレッスンに通いたい。
A...My target is 3 times to join English conversation class in a month.
....最後に[ at least (少なくとも) ]をつけると良い。
Would you please to keep your goal in your memory ?
+++ keep left ......左側通行
+++ keep clean ...きれいにしておく
MaCCi > Question > Hiro.
Q...I would like to ask you the question.
....why you would like to join this conversation class ?
+++ when I was young  (20歳代のときに=20's) +++
When I was 20's I had an experience to get into an English conversation class.
But I gave up.
+++  experience=経験 +++ get into~ ( ~の中に入り込む) +++
( abroad = foreign country )
Q...Speak slowly PLS(please).
A...I guess (=think) you have many many questions about English,
...could you tell us your questions please about English ?
Hiro-san said
I bought two rolls of bread from Nisshindo.(日新堂).
I always go to Nisshindo at lunch time.
Shizu-chan served us them.
We ate it. It was nice.
+++ くるみ(=walnuts)
I have a school lunch everyday.
I take a school lunch everyday.
Sam-san has a new smart-phone.
Q...When did you get your new smart-phone ?
A...The day before yesterday.
the day before yesterday..おととい
3 days before.............3日前
1 months before..........1ヶ月前
the day after tomorrow...あさって
3 days after.............3日後
1 months after...........1ヶ月後
+++ Hiro's hobby is collecting stamps +++
Q...How many stamps did you get ?
A...I can't count.
Q...What is the most expensive stamp ?
A...More than 80 thousand yen per 1 piece.
Q...Kidding !
A...I'm sure !
困ったなぁ...I'm in trouble.
おねがい!...........I ask a faver.
お願いがあるの!......Ask me a faver please.
礼儀正しく言うとき...I'd like to ask a faver.

**** HomeWork of next week! *****
PLS make three sentences to use "Do me a faver".
"Do me a faver PLS(please)"

See you next time !!


29th Feb.2016 どのあいさつの言葉がふさわしい? "Greeting and Good bye" Which word is better in Casual or Formal ? Writing or Speaking?

 Today, we have new comer Ms. Yuki Saito cames from Yukawa village. She is working at Ryokan in Higashiyama spa. She would like to upgrade her communication skill for oversea customers. Introduce from Tama-chan. Welcome to the class!! Nice to see you , Yuki.


******* Let's start today's lesson !***Today's teacher is Cat
Today’s subject is “Greeting and Good-bye”, how to start and closing conversation smoothly. According to Cat, conversation and writing has a different style. Let’s study♪


=== For writing 書類・手紙・メールに適した表現

----- Opening(はじめの言葉)-----

Salutations (サル-ユー-テーションズ *formal greetings on E-mail or Mail)= こんにちは
Greetings(”from Aizu” in a letter) = こんにちは *親しみがこもった感じ

----- Closing word ( わかれるときの言葉) -----

*Casual カジュアル
...With love, / Love /
...xoxo ("x"=Hug & "o"= kiss) /
...Keep in touch = K.I.T (use for writing only)

*Formal フォーマル
...( ビジネス用語 )...Regards, / Best , / Kind regards, / Best Regards, /
...( 心を込めて ).....Sincerely

===== For Conversations’ 会話の場合の表現

----- Opening(はじめの言葉)-----

*Casual カジュアル

...Hello, how are you? (こんにちは、元気?)
...Hi!  (ハイ、(you two, everyone! お二人さん、みんな等と続けます)
...Hello! - こんにちは
...Good morning (afternoon / evening) / (Don’t use “good bye”)
...What’s up? (最近どう? (若い人の言葉、大人が使うとちょっと下品かも?)

*Formal フォーマル

...Hello, How do you do? (初めましてこんにちは)
...Nice to meet you. (初めまして)


*Hello, how are you? I would like to introduce you to my friend "Mocchan".
(こんにちは元気? あなたに私のお友達のもっちゃんを紹介したいの。)

.....I would like  you  to ~のように、"like"の直後に入れがちなので、気をつけて!

*May I invite you to join us in our English class. 

*May I ask you to teach English to members of our English conversation class sometime.

----- Closing word ( わかれるときの言葉) -----

*Casual カジュアル
... Be well / Take care / Take it easy

*Formal フォーマル
...Be careful of ~
...Thanks for coming,
...Thank you very much for coming.
...See you ~ また会いましょう~
.....(~にはnext week / tomorrow / tonight / in the morning / soon等を入れる)

Hope to see you again, soon.

初めの"I"を付けない(Hope to see you again)と、社交辞令のような表現で「またお会いしたいです」といった響き。
"I"を付ける(= I hope to see you again) と、気持ちがこもった表現になるそうですよ。

Have a nice ~
(~にはday ,fun, weekend, week, ride, time, evening, night等を入れる)

近い未来の事を願って掛ける言葉というニュアンスなので month, year 等は使わない!

<< その他のお別れの表現>>

Talk to you later. また後でお話ししましょう
I've got to go ~   I've got to get going ~  そろそろ行かなくては。
I'm sorry I have to go  ごめんなさい、いかなくては行けません。

* have to を、I must go ~ にすると、もっと丁寧な響きになります。

I look forward to meet you on our next meeting. 次に会うのを楽しみにしています。

*Congratulation on +名詞= your success / new job / passing your exams / on your graduations.

*Congratulations on +動詞 = your は不要で、 graduating high school.


=== おまけ ===

誘われて、私も!(me too)というのは簡単ですが、そこでお断りする時の表現





では、See you next week !!